1. A 20 metre square was laid out in each of the four representative regions of the
project site. The vegetation inside each of the squares was then sampled. The position of
these squares did not exactly correspond to the position of the original 20m squares
sampled in the initial survey, although they were within the same representative regions.
2. The height of trees in Squares 1 and 2 was measured directly using a klinometer (see
Appendix A), instead of being estimated as in
the original survey.
3. Ground vegetation inside the squares was sampled within 2m2 quadrats (Plate 10). Ten random quadrats were sampled inside
each of the 20m squares (See Appendix B for
explanation of random location of quadrats). In the original survey, it was impossible to
randomly locate quadrats in Squares 1,2 & 4 due to the impenetrable nature of the
undergrowth (Plate 11). They were instead located to cover
as much of the area of the square as possible. With the removal of the Rhododendron
undergrowth, random location of all the quadrats became possible.