The Woodland Education Centre - Woodland Project Phase 2 Survey Report


4. In this initial survey, an area cleared of Rhododendron two years previously in a pilot project (Plate 2) was found to have a species diversity nearly double that of the areas still covered in Rhododendron. Many of these species were mosses.

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Plate 2.
The cleared Pilot Project Area

5. While the original Rhododendron cover appeared outwardly homogeneous, closer inspection revealed marked differences in growth form and density of the Rhododendron across the project site. Four different representative regions, including the pilot project region, were identified and sampled separately.

6. Clearance of the Rhododendron from the Woodland Project site has now been completed. Underlying toxic Rhododendron leaf litter has been removed as far as possible by raking it off and burning it. This operation has been carried out more than once in order to remove as much as possible of the remaining fibrous matting overlying the soil.

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Plate 3. Clearing the Project site




Woodland Project Phase 2




General   Tree Species    Rhododendron   Seedlings  Mosses

Conclusions    References

List of Tables & Illustrations
Tables   Plates   Figures