Two methods of surveying were employed
across the Wet Woodland Area. One looked at the ground level plants and employed a
random sampling method. The other survey method covered all trees greater than 2m in
height, recording the percentage of each species in an area, along with other data such as
the maximum height attained by each species.
Initial inspection of the Wet Woodland revealed six
distinct areas.
1) Wet Seepage
2) Stony Area
3) Clearance
4) Bluebell Area
5) The Mound
6) Non-native cherry Area
Ground Level Plant Survey Method
For our survey purposes, ground level plants were
limited to all those up to and including 2 metres in height.
Each of the six areas was treated separately for the
purposes of the survey. To avoid a huge work load in data collection from the entire
Wet Woodland area, a method of sampling was employed called Stratified
Random Quadrat Sampling.
Random Sampling. A square wooden frame with sides of 1m length
known as a quadrat is placed on the ground at a position determined by random
numbers. Plant species within the square are recorded, along with the percentage
cover within the square and the maximum height to which the species is growing there. |
Continued |