This method involved identifying plant
species within selected 1metre squares (or quadrats) in each of the six areas. Each
of the six distinct areas was a strata which was sampled separately. A zero
co-ordinate point ((0,0) or origin) was selected for each area. (by convention, this
is usually the bottom left-hand corner, this was the point chosen for the Wet Woodland
Survey). By taking pairs of random numbers from a random number table, selected one
metre squares could be obtained. If pairs of random numbers gave a point lying
outside of the area, they were ignored and the next pair of numbers were selected from the
number table.

A 10x10 metre area is split into an imaginary grid of 100x1mē.
The origin is chosen, by convention this is usually the bottom left-hand corner.
The origin in the actual area could be marked by placing a cane in the ground.
Then, a pair of two-digit random numbers are taken from a random number table, in this
case, 0507. Using a transect line (a long rope marked at 1 metre intervals), 5
metres is measured out horizontally from the origin. From this new point 7 metres is
measured vertically. Now a 1mē quadrat (square wooden frame of side 1metre) can be
placed on the ground at this point and the species within it identified (shown as the
black square above).
The reason that 1 mē squares were selected was to
allow for the size of the largest ground cover plants growing in any of the six distinct
areas. If a smaller quadrat square had been used i.e. 0.25mē, it would not have
been suitable for areas with larger plants. Once selected, 1mē quadrats had to be
used throughout the survey so as to maintain consistency in the results. |