Data Recorded
Having placed a quadrat on the ground, all the plant
species present are identified and listed. Very small samples of unidentifiable
plants were taken for later examination and identification. A careful record had to
be kept of which quadrat any unidentified plant was growing in.
A 1m quadrat square in position on the ground. Note that the
distortion of the square's sides is an optical effect of the lens! |
A visual estimate was made of the
percentage area covered by each species within the quadrat, so for example a species
covering half the area of ground within a quadrat the percentage area covered was recorded
as 50%.
The maximum vertical height reached by the species
within the quadrat was also recorded (for all species except mosses which generally grow
no higher than a few centimetres).
A brief note was also made of the conditions in and
immediately surrounding the quadrat, such as dry or wet ground, and whether stony or soil
rich. Below is an example of a field recording sheet.
The Seepage Area |
Quadrat 1 Area co-ordinates (02,04) |
Fairly open marshy area under mature Silver Birch.
Dappled sunlight. |
Species |
% Cover |
Maximum Height |
Mnium hornum |
11 |
- |
Silver birch |
1 |
20cm (2 saplings) |
Star Sedge |
30 |
30cm (2 main clumps) |
Bulbous Rush |
80 |
18cm |
Green Ribbed Sedge |
4 |
60cm (1 clump) |
Above: Field recording sheet for ground flora survey. Note
that it was sufficient to identify a species using only one name while in the field.
The scientific names could be established later while collating the survey results.