The Woodland Education Centre,
Offwell, Honiton, Devon UK
General Activities

The Centre provides
practical opportunities to reinforce many aspects of the Curriculum, especially Science
and Geography. All ages are catered for, from reception classes, through to those studying
at tertiary level. All groups are led by experienced members of staff. A link to specific educational courses
can be found at the bottom of this page. |
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The Woodland Discovery Trail  The Woodland Discovery Trail is a unique, new, outdoor activity
being offered at the Woodland Education Centre this year. It utilizes the revolutionary,
hand-held Q3 Ranger computer system.
Find out more here. |
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Pupils can investigate minibeasts in
a whole range of habitats including woodland trees, leaf litter, rotting wood, under
stones and in freshwater habitats. This practical activity covers topics such as:- the decomposers, carnivores and herbivores;
metamorphosis, life cycles and food chains. |
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Freshwater Ecology
This activity starts in the cabin discovering how to create a good
design for a pond. It examines the relationship of plants and animals in the aquatic
habitat. Particular reference is made to food chains and the conditions required to
support life, as well as to pollution indicators. |
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Map Making
Pupils produce a map featuring the Centre's classroom, lake and other
clearly identifiable features such as a sand quarry. These lie hidden within a steep sided
wooded valley. By the end of the activity pupils clearly understand how to use a compass.
This activity is highly recommended for top Juniors and GCSE pupils, although it can be
adapted for younger children. Older pupils can also do orienteering-type activities. Map
resources include the interactive Centre Map, aerial photographs, a geology map and old
estate maps. |
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The Forest Cycle
A practical study of woodland ecology, with activities which examine
how woodlands work. It examines the processes and conditions needed to sustain life. Food
chains and the variety of life in the woodland ecosystem are observed and investigated.
The recycling of nutrients, the processes of decay, together with the competition for
resources in this habitat are also looked at in detail. An excellent introduction to the
natural world for all ages. |
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Habitat management
Since 1986 the reserve has been transformed from 50 acres of sterile
rhododendron to a high quality conservation site. The reserve has a remarkable range of
habitats. These include heathland, broadleaf and coniferous woodlands, wildflower areas
and an important range of wetland habitats. More advanced groups can learn about a range
of topics including woodland, heathland and wetland ecology; habitat
restoration and ecological sampling. |
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Groups Days can be organised for
specialist and general interest groups. These may include fungus forays, birdsong
identification, entomology and botany days.
During the summer holidays, Family Activity days are
held on most Wednesdays. Activities range from shelter building to fossil hunting, rock
pooling, night outings and treasure hunts. Please telephone 01404 831 881 for more
information. |
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