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Trees in Britain
A pictorial Guide to Identification

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Image Gallery
Some of the most common British tree species are included in this gallery.
They are arranged in taxonomic order. Trees listed by common names here.

Click on the species names for more pictures and information.

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English Oak
Quercus robur

Wych Elm
Ulmus glabra

English Elm
Ulmus procera

Crab Apple
Malus sylvestris

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Sorbus aucuparia

Wild Service Tree
Sorbus torminalis

Common Hawthorn
Crataegus monogyna

Black Thorn
Prunus spinosa


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silver maple


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Field Maple
Acer campestre

Acer pseudoplatanus

Silver Maple
Acer saccharinum

Horse Chestnut
Aesculus hippocastanum

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Click here to find out about woodland management in Britain.


Wet Woodland Plant Survey

Woodland Survey