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Trees in Britain
A pictorial Guide to Identification

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Image Gallery
Some of the most common British tree species are included in this gallery.
They are arranged in taxonomic order. Trees listed by common names here.

Click on the species names for more pictures and information.

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Populus tremula

Silver Birch
Betula pendula

Downy Birch
Betula pubescens

Common Alder
Alnus glutinosa


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Carpinus betulus

Common Hazel
Corylus avellana

Common Beech
Fagus sylvatica

Copper Beech
Fagus sylvatica Atropunicea


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Sweet Chestnut
Castanea sativa

Holm Oak
Quercus ilex

Turkey Oak
Quercus cerris

Sessile Oak
Quercus patraea

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Click here to find out about woodland management in Britain.


Wet Woodland Plant Survey

Woodland Survey