Ecological succession is the gradual process by
which ecosystems change and develop over time. Nothing remains the same and habitats are
constantly changing.
In order to understand succession, it is necessary to
clearly understand the difference between these four terms:
A place where organisms live
e.g. a pond.

A group of individuals of the
same species in a particular location.

For example, all of the Great Diving
Beetle larvae and adults in the pond.
See Great Diving
Beetles up close.
All of the populations of
species in a given area.

For example, all of the numerous
species of micro-organisms, plants and animals living in the pond.
The community, together with
the physical and chemical
environment of a particular area.

The pond ecosystem includes all of
the non-living components - the water, the soil surrounding the pond, the mud on the
bottom, the weather and microclimate, together with the living community of organisms.
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Explanation of Ecological
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