Restoring Habitats for Wildlife
Restoration is being carried out on the western side of the Centre's steep sided wooded
valley. Click here to access pages of
information, photos, management details and biological surveys. There are species lists,
samples of raw data as well as processed data which feature graphs, tables and charts.
A number
of woodland habitats have been restored. Click here
for comprehensive reports on one of the woodland restoration projects. This report
features a baseline survey of a rhododendron infested
broadleaved woodland together with photographs of the work in progress.
The Trust has created the Woodland Education Centre from
an ecologically poor site. In 1986 the area was covered with dense sterile
rhododendron. A large number of practical projects have restored broad-leaved
and coniferous woodland, rides, hedges, a lake, ponds, streams, wetland areas and an emergent heathland.
The Wetlands Reclamation project, one of the many
projects, has provided a whole range of quality aquatic habitats. As a result Dragonflies, amphibians and birds such as the kingfisher now breed on
the reserve. The surrounding woodlands have also been restored.
Following this restoration programme, a large number of
species can be found throughout the reserve. Some of them, such as the dormouse and Ruddy
darter are rare. Surveys by specialists are carried out and the results are
available. There are also detailed project reports.
The restoration which is ongoing, has involved a massive
amount of fundraising, planning and practical work. For example it would have
taken 3 years for one person to clear the leat and 40 years to have done just the manual
work of the Wetlands project. A video is available.
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