The Horseshoe Glade

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This area was cleared of Rhododendron in 1992.  The work was grant aided by Honiton Town Council.  Little regeneration took place until the area was thoroughly raked to reduce the rhododendron leaf litter.   After 8 years pioneer species such as foxgloves and grasses are evident.   Bramble is becoming more noticeable, several large clumps about a metre high are now present.  From the glade, there are views westward to the heathland on the other side of the valley.  The eastern edge of the glade comprises of large oaks which were probably planted by Bishop Copleston (d.1849) a former owner of the valley.  The glade is sheltered and gets the afternoon sun.  Typically, butterflies such as Speckled Wood and Peacock are seen here.  It is frequented by Roe Deer, Foxes, Badgers and woodland birds from Wrens, Robins and Blackbirds to Sparrowhawks.
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Above: Steps leading down from the Viewpoint, past the Horseshoe Glade and leading on to the Wetland.

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