The Woodland Education Centre, Offwell,
Honiton, Devon, UK.
Activities and Resources for
Primary Schools (6 - 11 year olds)

If you teach at primary level in East
Devon, it is more than likely that you already know of the Centre. The majority of primary
school children in the area visit the Centre at least once in the course of their
schooling. Some parents who visited as children are now bringing their own children!
The Centre provides a whole range of
activities for primary students which have been developed and refined since 1986. Groups
can look at natural processes, as outlined in the National Curriculum, in the real-world
classroom of the outdoors. The theoretical ideas are explored through hands-on practical
activities and investigation.
Activities can be tailored to meet the needs
of individual groups by prior arrangement. Popular activities include 'The Forest Cycle', Pond Studies, Map making and Investigating Mini Beasts. Each activity usually lasts half a day,
unless otherwise requested. Two activities are therefore generally covered during a one
day visit to the Centre. Fully trained staffing support, at a ratio of about 18 pupils to
one leader is provided, along with classroom facilities.
The value of a visit to the Centre does not
end with the day itself. Personalized CD ROMs are supplied to visiting groups for
follow-up work. There is no extra charge for this. It is included in the cost of the
visit. The CD's contain a full copy of the Trust website, hundreds of usable images of
your day, as well as general wildlife images and IT resources. These resources can also be
accessed from the website. Click on the links below, or use the excellent website 'Search'
The interactive
quizzes use sound so please ensure sound is enabled on your system. |
Foxgloves |
Adaptations, Pollination and structure together with other
examples and a Ranger's Puzzle Page. Suitable for 9 -11+ yr. olds. |
Species Quizzes |
Four interactive quizzes complete with information about
local reptiles and amphibians. Popular with all ages. |
Puzzle Pages |
Puzzle pages on a variety of topics such Woodland Birds, Trees, Forest
Animals, Woodland Minibeasts, Heaths and Ponds. They include crosswords, word searches,
quizzes, jumbled picture puzzles and even a Ranger's Bad Joke! |
Forest Cycle Images |
Images to reinforce the Forest Cycle Activity. The images
are available on floppies, CD and on the Trust's website. They can be copied and pasted
into students' own documents. |
Pond Images |
Images to reinforce the Pond Activity. The images are
available on floppies, CD and on the Trust's website. They can be copied and pasted into
students' own documents. |
Discovery Trail |
Bite- size information on wetlands, plus interactive
Discovery Trails covering the subjects of food chains and lifecycles, using wetland
species as examples. Also includes a Riddle and Self-marking exercises. For more advanced
students. |
Movies |
Video clips. To be used in conjunction with the image
libraries. The clips are Internet friendly. |
Tadpole to Frog |
Study metamorphosis by following tadpole to frog development. Individual
tadpoles are followed through their development in a series of images taken at timed
stages. |
Decomposition |
Follow the decomposition of a dead rabbit through a series of images taken at
timed stages. |
Seed Dispersal |
Information, interactive quiz and puzzles on seed dispersal, for more
advanced students. |
The Fascinating World of Fungi |
All about fungi, with a puzzle page and animations, for more advanced
students. |
Lifecycle |
A generalized lifecycle of flowering plants, in easy to follow stages. |
Main Page
Part of the National Grid for
Learning |