The Wet Woodland Bird Survey
European Nuthatch Sitta europaea
Appearance | An agile tree climber, similar to woodpeckers. The upperparts are pale blue. It has a bold black eyestripe and black wingtips. The throat is white, the remaining underparts warm buff, with chestnut on flanks. The tail is short and square. |
Voice | High-pitched chwit-chwit, also a repeated kee-kee-kee. |
Habitat | Woods, hedges, heaths and gardens. |
Food | Seeds, nuts, insects. |
Breeding Habits | 6-9 eggs in a tree hole plastered with mud around the entrance hole.
Incubation takes 14-18 days and fledging takes 23-25 days. 1 brood pr year; April-May. |
Location in Wet Woodland | Seen in the Mound and stony area. They mainly frequented the few big trees in these areas. The bird was observed climbing up and down tree trunks feeding.. |