The Wet Woodland Bird Survey
Common Buzzard Buteo buteo
Appearance | A large raptor with highly variable plumage, from dark brown to pure
creamy white. It always shows a dark patch at the shoulder of the wing (carpal) and sides
of breast. It soars on broad wings held forward in a shallow 'v'. It has a fairly small
head and short tail. Size: 28-38cm tall |
Voice | Mewing pee-oo. |
Habitat | Moors, heaths, forests, woods, fields and hedgerows |
Food | Small mammals. |
Breeding Habits | 3-4 eggs in a nest of bulky sticks and twigs in a tree, on a cliff, on a
rock outcrop or occasionally on the ground. Incubation takes 42 days and fledging
takes 40-45 days. 1 brood per year; March-May. |
Location in Wet Woodland | The Buzzard was seen flying from a tree in the wet area where it was probably having a rest. It picked this area to rest as it is close to the heathland area where it would hunt. It may well have also had a nest near by. Another bird could be heard calling regulary from trees just outside the wet woodland, the bird heard was probably a juvenile. |