The Wet Woodland Bird Survey
Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla
Appearance | A very vocal warbler. The male has a grey back, is greyish-white below and
has a sooty black cap. The female and juvenile are similar, but have a brown cap. Size: 13-15cm tall |
Voice | The call is a sharp, strong tac-tac-tac, repeated. The song is a strong varied warble. |
Habitat | Gardens, heaths, woods and hedges. |
Food | Insects and berries. |
Breeding Habits | 5
eggs in a cup-like nest low in a bush or a tree. Incubation takes 12-13 days
and fledging takes 10-14 days. 2 broods per year; May-June. |
Location in Wet Woodland | It was heard singing in the stony area and the clearing. These areas are the two most open areas and have good singing perches. The call was also heard. |