The Wetlands Restoration Project

Click on the links below to access videos which show the actual work being carried out. These streaming videos will play automatically after a pause of about 30 seconds. Please ensure that your speakers are turned on! (Windows Media Player Version 7 or better required). To access a detailed project report which includes Civil Engineers' Drawings and botanical surveys click here.



Introducing the Woodland Education Centre, its history and  the rhododenron clearance.

Kingfisher Pond

The excavation of Kingfisher pond as well as gabion basket construction, pipe laying and concreting.

The Lake

The excavation of the lake using two swing shovels.


Creating the access tracks.


The finished project including the Marsh and Wetland. The benefits to wildlife and the public.


winmedia.jpg (5358 bytes) To access these videos you must have Windows Media Player Version 7 or greater. To check which version you have, open Windows Media Player. Now go to the Help menu and select 'About Windows Media Player'. The version will be displayed.

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