10 Minute Average Wind
Speed |
Average wind speed (mph) during a 10 minute
period prior to listed time. |
Air Density |
Air density measures the mass of air present per unit volume of air.
(lb/ft³). The average density of air is about 0.0805 lb/ft³ or 1.229 Kg/m³.
The metric equivalent of 1lb/ft³ is around 15.26 Kg/m³. |
Atmospheric Pressure |
The pressure exerted by the weight of the air above the observer.
(1hPa = 1hectoPascal=1mbar) |
Cooling Degree Days |
One cooling degree-day is the amount of cooling required to
keep a structure at 65ºF when the outside temperature remains one degree above the 65ºF threshold for 24 hours. One cooling degree-day
is also the amount of cooling required to keep that structure at 65ºF when the
temperature remains 24ºF above that 65º threshold for 1 hour. |
Dew Point |
Dew-point (C) is the temperature to which air must be cooled for saturation
(100% relative humidity) to occur, providing there is no change in water content. |
Heating Degree Days |
One heating degreeday is the
amount of heat required to keep a structure at 65ºF when the outside temperature remains
one degree below the 65ºF threshold for 24 hours. One heating
degree-day is also the amount of heat required to keep that structure at 65ºF when the
temperature remains 24ºF below that 65º threshold for 1 hour. |
Heat Index |
The Heat Index (C) uses the temperature and the relative humidity to
determine how hot the air actually "feels." |
Humidity, Relative |
Relative humidity (%) is the amount of water vapour present in the air
expressed as a percentage of the amount of water vapour that the air is capable of
holding. |
Rainfall |
Total rainfall (mm) during a set period of
time. |
Rainfall Rate |
Rainfall rate (mm/hr) is a
measure of how much rain falls in a unit of time. |
Rain Storm |
Storm rain is the total amount (mm) of rain falling during a period
of wet weather. This 'wet weather'
period starts when at least 0.5mm of rainfall is registered by the
weather station and then continues to accumulate. The wet weather
period is only ended when it is followed by a continuous dry period of
24 hours. |
Temperature |
A measure of the average energy of molecules in the atmosphere. (°C) |
(THWS) Index |
The Temperature-humidity-wind-wind-sun (THWS) Index uses humidity,
temperature, the cooling effects of wind and the heating effects of direct solar radiation
to calculate an apparent temperature. |
(THW) Index |
The Temperature-Humidity-Wind (THW)
Index uses temperature, humidity and wind to calculate an apparent temperature
that incorporates the cooling effects of wind on our perception of temperature. |
Wind Chill |
Wind Chill (°C) takes into account
how the speed of the wind affects our perception of the air temperature. The faster
the wind blows, the faster heat is carried away from your body and the colder you feel. |
Wind Direction |
The direction from which the wind is blowing
(expressed as a compass direction). |
Wind Run |
Wind run is a measurement of the
"amount" of wind passing the station during a given period of time, expressed in
either "miles of wind" or "kilometers ofwind". WeatherLink calculates
wind run by multiplying the average wind speed for each archive record by the archive
interval. |
Wind Speed |
Wind speed (mph). |