The Woodland Education Centre
Offwell, Honiton, Devon
EX14 9SW |

Group Visits - Things
You Need to Know
If you have booked a Trust-guided visit to the
Woodland Education Centre,
you may find the following information useful in planning your visit.
Centre is a Forestry Commission site managed in partnership with the Offwell Woodland
& Wildlife Trust. |
An educational visit to the Centre falls under Risk
Category A:
(Activities where the risks are considered to be the same as in
everyday life: for example, coastal and countryside walks; visits to the theatre; sports
fixtures and visits to the zoo .)
There is a telephone landline on site (01404 831881).
The Centre's facilities include two classrooms and
The Centre has a qualified first aider.
Emergency vehicles can access the site via a bridle
path at map reference SY 192, 988
marked West Colwell.
All staff carry two-way radios.
All areas are regularly inspected, however, group
leaders should notify Trust staff immediately of any matter which requires attention or
All pond dipping areas are shallow and are suitably
railed. Pond dipping equipment is provided.
Groups will be met by Trust staff at Offwell Village Hall car park, by prior arrangement.
Groups should be under the supervision and control of
a responsible teacher or adult at all times (the 'group leader').
The supervision ratios for school parties should be
as per LEA guidelines.
Responsible teachers /and or adults to remain on site
throughout the whole visit.
There is a walk of approximately half a mile from the
coach drop-off point. Access is normally on foot, but vehicular access can be provided for
disabled visitors by prior arrangement.
The walk through Offwell village to the field gate
which leads to the Centre, is along a quiet country lane. However, group leaders should
ensure that their group is road safety aware. The group leader is responsible for the safe
conduct of their party along the highway.
Group leaders are responsible for ensuring that all members of their group have appropriate
outdoor footwear and clothing.
- Group leaders are responsible for the
general welfare of individuals in their group. They will have the opportunity to consult
with Trust staff at all times.
- Group leaders need to ensure that the
members of the group are physically able to carry out the activities. They should advise
the Trust if any member of their group has a medical condition which limits their ability
to carry out the intended activities.
- Group leaders should ensure that their group
members have adequate refreshments. Consumption of food and drink should be confined to
agreed areas and all rubbish should be taken home.
- The Trust cannot accept responsiblity for visitors' property at the
Centre. Bags and coats etc. can usually be left in an agreed area at your own risk, but
all valuables of any kind should be carried on your person.
- Adults accompanying groups are responsible
for the behaviour of the individuals within their groups. All adults must be properly
instructed as to their duties
- Trust staff will exercise appropriate
leadership skills and control, but are not expected to have to deal with individuals, or
groups with rude, unruly, inattentive or aggressive behaviour.
- The Trust will provide experienced, suitably
qualified staff to lead activities.
- The Centre is laid out with paths and
tracks, but groups may go off the tracks to carry out activities. Group leaders are
advised to familiarize themselves with the layout of the reserve by visiting the
interactive map of the Centre.
- Teachers are welcome to conduct pre-visits to familiarize themselves
with the Centre, should they wish to do so.
- Trust staff will be responsible for ensuring
safe procedures are adopted within reason, while carrying out activities which they are
- Trust staff will organise the timing and
coordination of activities with regard to the departure time, which has been agreed with
the group leader.
- Whilst visiting group leaders are primarily responsible for their
charges, in the event of an emergency, where appropriate, Trust staff will take control
and give direction.
- Attention is drawn to the fact that the countryside contains natural
hazards such as slopes, stones, uneven ground, mud, water, vegetation and insects. As with
any other countryside area in East Devon, ticks may also be present, so individuals should
take appropriate precautions. Ticks can carry Lyme disease. You can find out more about
Lyme disease here*.
- Please show care and consideration for habitats, wildlife, other
visitors and property at the Centre.
- If you are unhappy with any aspect of a visit, please notify the
Trust within 24 hours of the visit.
- A CD-ROM containing a photographic record of the visit along with
additional information and other resources, will be provided at the Trust's discretion.
The Trust may use any images for promotional or educational purposes, unless instructed
otherwise. Please note, where images are used for such purposes, individuals are not

* This is not part of
the Trust's website therefore the Trust cannot guarantee the reliability of information.
Copyright © Offwell
Woodland & Wildlife Trust 1998/9 & 2000/1/2/3/4 http://www.offwell.info
the information including images, charts, movies and sounds is provided copyright
free, only for educational use by: schools, colleges and universities
unless you are making a charge. If you wish to use information or any part of this site
for commercial purposes or for any purpose where a charge is made then you must get
permission, so make sure you contact us first.
Remember, if you are not a school, college or university you must obtain
permission to use any part of this website. Note that company logos are reproduced with permission and remain copyright of their respective