Resources for Teachers

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Part of the National Grid for Learning

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The Trust runs the Woodland Education Centre in Offwell, which is in East Devon, South-west England. The Centre has a great variety of habitats which are used for curriculum-based, practical, hands-on science and geography investigation for all ages and levels. Make the most of a visit by utilizing the website (which has over 60,000 keywords and topics) for a great variety of pre-visit and follow-up resources.

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The answer pages below are for teachers only and are password-protected.
To register for the password, click

bluebel2.jpg (7904 bytes) Bluebell Sampling Answers
This exercise investigated the effect of different types of management on Bluebell distribution.    Introduction
wpe1F.jpg (1862 bytes) Discover Wetlands! Answers
A series of multiple choice questions based on the Wetlands Discovery Trail.