Primula vulgaris

Primrose (Primula vulgaris) is native to Britain and Europe. It is a small
plant, typically no more than 10 cm (4") high. It produces flowers which generally
vary in colour from pale cream to deep yellow. Other colour variants include white and
pink flowered forms. Another species related to the Primrose, the Bird's-eye Primrose (Primula
farinosa), occurs in moist meadows in northern England. It has pink, purple or
occasionally white flowers clustered on the end of a stem. This species favours limestone
areas. The Scottish Primrose (Primula scotica) is an endemic British species. It is found
only in Orkney, Caithness and Sutherland and in common with the Birds's-eye Primrose, is
pink. Other related species are Cowslips (Primula veris) and Oxlips (Primula
elatior). Hundreds of other species of Primula exist, mostly concentrated in
northern temperate regions of the world. more.
Devon, which is in South West England, has an abundance of Primroses. They are very
much a part of the distinctive character of the county in spring, forming wonderful
displays on the local Devon Hedgebanks. Primroses favour damp places, which abound
here in the warmer, wetter climate of the southwest of England. Hedgebanks, woods,
road-side verges, railway embankments and churchyards are all good places to look for
Next time you come across a clump of flowering Primroses, stop
and have a closer look. Primroses (and indeed, also many other Primula species)
are remarkable in that they have two different types of flowers which look superficially
almost identical. One type is called pin-eyed and the other,
thrum-eyed. The two different types of flowers are produced on separate
plants. |

Pin-eyed flower.
Note the female stigma protrudes above the male anthers which can just be seen at the base
of the flower tube. |
Thrum-eyed flower.
The male anthers are clearly visible, the stigma is beneath them, half way up
the flower tube. |
The production of two different types of flowers by Primroses, the
pin-eyed and thrum-eyed, is an adaptation to promote cross pollination. The petals of
Primroses are joined together at the base to form a tube. Inside this tube are the anthers
and style and stigma. (For information on basic flower parts see
Flower Structure). In pin-eyed flowers, the stigma is at the top of the flower tube
and can be seen in the centre of the flower looking like a small green pin head. In this
type of flower, the anthers are in a ring around the style, halfway down the central
flower tube. In the thrum-eyed type, the style reaches only halfway up the flower tube, so
that the stigma is also positioned halfway up inside the tube. The anthers in this type
are located at the top of the flower tube and can be seen as an orange ring in the centre
of the flower.
Insects visit the flowers in search of nectar, which is located at the bottom of the
flower tube. This positioning means that only long-tongued insects can actually reach the
nectar in the base. An insect such as a Brimstone butterfly (Gonepteryx rhamni),
visiting a pin-eyed flower, gets pollen stuck to the middle of its proboscis from the
anthers half-way down the flower tube. If it then goes to visit a thrum-eyed flower, the
pollen is perfectly positioned to be wiped off on the stigma, in this case, positioned
halfway down the flower tube. The reverse is also true. If the butterfly first visits a
thrum-eyed flower, pollen is wiped off onto the top of its proboscis as it searches for
nectar. This is then ideally placed to be transferred onto the stigma of the next pin-eyed
flower which it visits. more |