The Offwell Woodland & Wildlife Trust

Promoting British Woodland, Wildlife & Countryside


Wildlife and habitat restoration - Environmental Education - Ecological Surveys - Webcams of Badgers and Sparrowhawks - Wetland and Woodland Ecolgy - Photo gallery and information about British wildlife including Roe deer, Butterflies, Dormice, Sparrowhawks, toads, frogs, adders - Extensive reports on Lowland Heath and Woodland restoration


Natural history, habitats, environment, environmental education, birds, dragonflies, darter, southern hawker, special protection area SPA, SSSI, heathland, lowland heath, habitat restoration, ecological surveys, wildlife pictures,   woodland, kingfisher, slow-worm, adder, grass snake, heather ling, cross leaved heath,  abandoned Buzzard Rhododendron  abandonment ability Management practices -Sparrowhawk watch The Woodland Education Centre A Forestry Commission site created and managed by the Offwell Woodland and WildlifeTrust Wood ablaze abound Aylesbeare Common - How to Sample - Fire - Habitat Management practices - Woodland Project butterflies - Dormouse - Gatekeeper    - Toads - mosses  -  Plant - Bystock Pools - Venn Ottery - Mutters Moor - Rhododendron - Gittisham Common - The Adder's Byte - accipiter Woodbury -   Trinity Hill - Axminster - East Devon - South West England - Historical Background - acer - aceraceae - acetosella - acid - East Devon Heathland - Ling - Mutters Moor - Offwell Heath - Soil Characteristics  -  acidic soil - Fire Beacon Hill - Pebble Bed Heaths - SAC - Trinity Hill - What is Heathland - acidity - Offwell Trust -   Landscapes - acre - Bishop Copleston - Habitat restoration - acres - Aylesbeare Common - Gittisham Common - EDBAP - East Devon Biodiversity Action Plan - Badger Watch - Frog -  Woodbury - Environmental Activities -  fox glove - Pollination - Anther - stigma -style - adaptations - adapted - Southern Hawker Dragonfly - Red admiral butterfly - Frog - Gatekeeper - aegeria - aeshna - East Devon District Council - aforestation - africa - aggregates - Aylesbeare Common - agilis - aglais - Fire Beacon Hill - agri-environment -agrimony - Buzzard -  alcedo - alder - alkaline soil - amazon - Roe Deer - amphibian - amphibians - andoi - androsaemum - anemone - anemones - angiosperms - anguis - Slowworm - angustifolium - anthocharis - anthoxanthum - anti-venom - antihistamine - antlers - ants - AONB - Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty - aquifoliaceae - aquifolium - aquilinum - araceae - araliaceae - arborea - arctium - arctostaphylos - SAC - Special Area of Conservation -  East Devon Heathland - argiolus - argynnis - arrhenatherum - artogeia - arum - arvellanarius - Dormouse - arvense - ash - asphodel - atalanta - atrichum - atthis - aucuparia - austriaca - webcam -   axminster - River Axe - wetland - Offwell Environment Link - lake pond - freshwater - broadleaf - conifer - sustainable - renewable timber - guide to trees - Ruddy Darter,  Sympetrum sanguineum,
