The head of the caterpillar of an
Elephant Hawk moth Deilephila elpenor. At around 8cm in length, this
caterpillar is often found during the late summer throughout much of Britain and more
locally in Scotland. Although mostly nocturnal, the caterpillar is so large
and striking that many people find them during the day and are curious to know what they
have found. When disturbed by predators such as birds, the caterpillar defends
itself by swaying from side to side, retracting its head and expanding the section
immediately behind it, thus enlarging two striking "false eyes". It gets
its english name from the resemblance it has to an elephant's trunk. There are two
forms of this caterpillar, grey (picture above) and green. They feed on plants such
as Rose Bay Willow Herb Epilobium angustifolium, bedstraw (Galium) and
fuchsia. |