Devon Moth Group
Trip Reference: 0308M
Near West Colwell, Devon. MAP REF:
193 SY (1999). DATE: 22/08/2003 to 22/08/2003

The location, a
private field adjacent to the Woodland Education Centre, by kind permission of Mr D
Species List
Bradley & Fletcher 1979 used with updated modifications
0015 Hepialus sylvina
Linn. Imago Orange Swift One seen
0288 Caloptilia
stigmatella Fabr. Imago I.D. by Barry Henwood
0411 Argyresthia
goedartella Linn. Imago Three seen
0423 Argyresthia
semitestacella Curt. Imago One seen; B.Henwood
0701 Agonopterix
ocellana Fabr. Imago One seen; I.D. by B.Henwood
0873 Blastobasis
lignea Wals. Imago Three seen
0969 Pandemis
corylana Fabr. Imago Chequered Fruit-tree Tortrix
0998 Epiphyas
postvittana Walk. Imago Light Brown Apple Moth Two seen
1076 Celypha
lacunana D.& S. Imago Several
1111 Bactra
lancealana Hb. Imago Several
1136 Epinotia
immundana F.v.R. Imago I.D. by B.Henwood
1138 Epinotia
nisella Cl. Imago ssp. nisella Haw. various forms Several
1219 Lathronympha
strigana Fabr. Imago I.D. by B.Henwood
1260 Cydia splendana
Hb. Imago
1304 Agriphila
straminella D.& S. Imago Two seen
1305 Agriphila
tristella D.& S. Imago Common
1331 Acentria
ephemerella D.& S. Imago Three seen
1340 Eudonia
truncicolella Stt. Imago Several
1344 Eudonia
mercurella Linn. Imago Several
1345 Elophila
nymphaeata Linn. Imago Brown China-mark
One seen
1395 Udea ferrugalis
Hb. Imago
1398 Nomophila
noctuella D.& S. Imago Rush Veneer
1405 Pleuroptya
ruralis Scop. Imago
Mother of Pearl
Two seen
1452 Phycita
roborella D.& S. Imago
1574 Polyommatus
icarus Rott. Imago ssp.icarus Rott. England Common Blue One found resting
1646 Watsonalla
binaria Hufn. Imago Oak Hook-tip One seen
1652 Thyatira batis
Linn. Imago Peach Blossom One seen
1681 Cyclophora
linearia Hb. Imago Clay Triple-lines One seen; second brood
1682 Timandra comae
Sch. Imago Blood Vein Two seen
1722 Xanthorhoe
designata Hufn. Imago Flame Carpet Three seen
1724 Xanthorhoe
spadicearia D.& S. Imago Red Twin-spot Carpet One seen
1728 Xanthorhoe
fluctuata Linn. Imago ssp.fluctuata Linn. Rest of Country Garden Carpet Two seen
1738 Epirrhoe
alternata Mull. Imago ssp.alternata Mull. Rest of Country Common Carpet Several
1751 Lampropteryx
otregiata Metc. Imago Devon Carpet Two seen
1752 Cosmorhoe
ocellata Linn. Imago Purple Bar Two seen
1759 Ecliptopera
silaceata D.& S. Imago Small Pheonix One seen
1764 Chloroclysta
truncata Hufn. Imago Common-marbled Carpet Three seen
1777 Hydriomena
furcata Thunb. Imago July Highflyer One seen
1835 Eupithecia
tripunctaria H.-S. Imago White-spot Pug One seen
1862 Gymnoscelis
rufifasciata Haw. Imago Double-striped Pug Several small specimens
1874 Euchoeca
nebulata Scop. Imago Dingy Shell One seen
1890 Macaria
alternata D.& S. Imago Sharp-angled Peacock Several
1906 Opisthograptis
luteolata Linn. Imago Brimstone Moth Several
1913 Ennomos
alniaria Linn. Imago Canary-shouldered Thorn Several
1914 Ennomos
fuscantaria Haw. Imago Dusky Thorn One seen
1937 Peribatodes
rhomboidaria D.& S. Imago Willow Beauty Several small specimens
1956 Cabera
exanthemata Scop. Imago Common Wave Two seen
1997 Furcula furcula
Cl. Imago Sallow Kitten One seen
2000 Eligmodonta
dromedarius Linn. Imago Iron Prominent Two seen
2003 Notodonta
ziczac Linn. Imago Pebble Prominent One seen
2007 Pheosia tremula
Cl. Imago Swallow Prominent Four seen
2033 Lymantria
monacha Linn. Imago Black Arches One seen
2049 Eilema depressa
Esp. Imago Buff Footman One seen
2064 Phagmatobia
fuliginosa Linn. Imago ssp. fuliginosa Linn. S.& Mid.England
Ruby Tiger One seen
2089 Agrotis
exclamationis Linn. Imago Heart & Dart One seen
2091 Agrotis ipsilon
Hufn. Imago Dark Sword-grass One seen
2102 Ochropleura
plecta Linn. Imago Flame Shoulder Common
2107 Noctua pronuba
Linn. Imago Large Yellow Underwing Several
2109 Noctua comes
Hb. Imago Lesser Yellow Underwing Two seen
2111 Noctua janthe
D.& S. Imago Lesser Broad Bordered Yellow Underwing Several
2123 Diarsia rubi
View. Imago Small Square Spot Three seen
2126 Xestia c-nigrum
Linn. Imago Setaceous Hebrew Character Common
2133 Xestia
sexstrigata Haw. Imago Six-striped Rustic Four seen
2134 Xestia
xanthographa D.& S. Imago Square-spot Rustic Three seen
2199 Mythimna
pallens Linn. Imago Common Wainscot Several
2297 Amphipyra
pyramidea Imago Copper Underwing One
2298 Amphipyra
berbera Imago Svenssons Copper Underwing One seen
2306 Phlogophora
meticulosa Linn. Imago Angle-shades Two seen
2343 Mesapamea
secalis Linn. Imago Common Rustic Several; possibly 2343a
2350 Chortodes
pygmina Haw. Imago Small Wainscot Three seen
2361 Hydraecia
micacea Esp. Imago Rosy Rustic One seen
2434 Diachrysia
chrysitis Linn. Imago Burnished Brass One seen
2441 Autographa
gamma Linn. Imago Silver Y Several
2450 Abrostola
tripartita Hufn. Imago The Spectacle Two seen
2474 Rivula
sericealis Scop. Imago Straw Dot Common
2477 Hypena
proboscidalis Linn. Imago The Snout
(A total of 76 records in this list)
Devon Moth Group Members attending: Barry Henwood, George Williams, John Randall, Bill Deakins, Roy McCormick. |
Observers: Alan Crofts, Janet Harvey, Steve Lawson,
Barbara Corker. |
A daytime view of the field
This private field is next to
Beech Walk which is on the southern boundary of the 50 acre Woodland Education Centre. The
field is unimproved pasture. Soft Rush dominates, it is interspersed with small areas of
grasses, stinging nettles, Creeping Buttercup and vetch. For more information about the
location of Beech Walk, click here.
