Discover The Countryside !

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The Fascinating World Around Us -
An Introduction to British Wildlife and Habitats, for 16-22 year olds.


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Contact us Information on the Woodland Education Centre Map of the Centre How to find the Centre


STAFFING Qualified staff are provided to lead the activities. There is a charge  per pupil for this service. There is no charge for teachers and helpers.
CLOTHING Visitors to the Centre should wear suitable outdoor clothing and footwear. The Trust cannot be held liable for any accidents caused by inappropriate attire.

Wellington Boots may be required, particularly where wetland activities are involved.

EQUIPMENT The Centre has two transect lines marked at metre intervals (60m and 100m). Quadrats can be supplied on prior notification. Where species identification is involved, the necessary reference materials will be provided. Data loggers and meters are not supplied, so if you wish to use these, you will need to bring them with you.

A dissecting microscope and a compound microscope are available. The field of view of the microscopes can be displayed on television monitors to enable several people to see the same image at the same time.

Pond dipping and bug collecting equipment is provided.

Both classrooms have well stocked First Aid kits and staff are trained in first aid.

TRANSPORT If you are arriving in a minibus, it is possible (by prior arrangement) to drive straight into the Centre, which saves a great deal of time. Part of the road is an unsurfaced bridleway, but it is perfectly adequate and is used by a variety of vehicles.

A member of staff can meet you at Offwell Village Hall car park and guide you down to the Centre.

Coaches should drop off passengers by the lych gate into Offwell Village Hall car park. You will be met here by a member of staff.



Please note that we are very flexible at the Woodland Education Centre!

Each activity can last either a full day or half a day.   In addition, you can mix and match topics from different activities to cover your individual needs. All you need to do is ask.

Staff from the Centre can also come to you at your location to lead the activities, provided you have suitable habitats locally. If this is not feasible, the factual content of the activities can also be delivered as a talk, rather than as a practical activity.

FOLLOW-UP RESOURCES A digital photographic record of your day is provided, at the discretion of the Trust, as part of the service offered at the Centre. This includes relevant images of the students carrying out the various activities, providing a personalized record of the day. These images are sent to you on CD-ROM a few days after the visit.

The CD-ROM also contains a wide variety of digital resources. This includes image libraries, movie clips, sounds and an interactive map of the Centre. The images can be used in desk top publishing, for display and as a basis for follow-up work. Provided they are utilized for educational purposes and not for financial gain, there is no restriction on their use.

For a wide range of follow-up educational resources visit the Trust website ( It has thousands of keywords and topics on British Wildlife and the Countryside.


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16+ Contents