Monument Pond is once more full of sediment and
large pieces of chert, most of it washed down from an old landfill site upstream. It will
be dug out, yet again, thanks to the Forestry Commission, who own the land occupied
by the Centre. The material removed will initially be stacked around the pond to dry out.
The spirited discussion regarding the problems of the old landfill site and
what is to be done about it, continue. |

If the pond is allowed to
remain silted up, material will carry on into the leat (left). This leat is designed to take storm water away from the
main aquatic habitats, such as the lake and the wetlands, protecting them from siltation.
It is not designed to handle such quantities and size of debris and so the leat is also
likely to become filled up. If this is allowed to happen, then all of the aquatic habitats
at the Centre and their attendant wildlife, will be at risk. The
conditions at the old landfill site have worsened considerably and there is now a very
significant threat to the Centre. The Environment Agency, who have so far been unable to
prevent any of the problems, continue to 'look into' the matter. |
Educational activities at the
Centre have been running throughout the winter. The Young
Rangers Club has held regular meetings. Recently £500 has been raised towards the
running of the Club from local businesses and organisations. Donations have included £250
from the Lions Club of Honiton, £150 from Bradfords and £100 from the Honiton Round
Table. These donations have enabled the club to go from strength to strength. |
A number of teachers have been visiting to organise
trips once the milder weather arrives and the Centre is gearing up for the start of the
main fieldwork season. Early booking for your group is strongly recommended, especially if
you wish to visit in June or July.
focusing on local mammals, including amongst others, Mammal Tracks and Signs
and Woodland Mammals, based around the Offwell area are being offered by the
Trust in the Spring. The Trust is currently collecting registrations of interest and
details will be finalized shortly.
Toad watching evenings are also being
scheduled now. If you are interested in taking part, contact the Trust. |