Birds seen at The Woodland Education Centre
January 2004
Records courtesy of
Rosemary Tilbury

(Click on the map to
go to an interactive map of the Centre.) |
9th January |

Bullfinches (2 male, 2 Female. Feeding on seeds from Ash
below the Log Cabin) |
Buzzard (In flight, over reserve) |
Grey Wagtail (Dragonfly pond area) |
Robins |
Blackbirds |
Wrens |
Rook (Display flights, preparing to start nest building) |
Mallards (4 Male, 4 Female, on lake) |
Marsh tit (Monument pond area) |
Sparrowhawk (Female, in flight over lake area) |
(male) by Dragonfly Pond |
17th January |

Wood Pigeons
(Flying over lake) |
(Flying over lake) |
Long-tailed tits
(Flock, feeding on various seeds, maple walk area) |
(mostly seen lake area) |
Chaffinches |
Great tits |
Robins |
Blackbirds |
25th January |

(Very dark bird, perched maple walk area, not one I have seen before) |
(Several feeding on insects etc. from ivy around trees) |
tits (Dragonfly pond area) |
(2 male, feeding on alder trees, Dragonfly pond area.) |
(Flock of 35 flew to Beech and Sweet Chestnut trees below green work caravan, about 4
p.m.) |
Blue tits |
Marsh tits |
Coal tits |
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