Silage Making Movies
(3m 47 secs, includes a commentary)
Mowing, Transporting, Harvesting & Ensiling

Low quality but quick!
Click on this link.
Windows Media Player will open.
The video will play after a short pause. |
Much better quality! 1.4Mb
Broadband users click here.
All other users click this link with your right mouse button.
Select 'Save target as' and save to your computer.
Use Windows Media Player to open the file 'grass.wmv' |
The above movie clips have been encoded from the
the East Devon Way' courtesy of Quartz Productions
the entire Farming
the East Devon Way video here!
A 40 minute video covering a variety of farming practices in East Devon.
Dairy, beef, sheep and pig farming are explained by the farmers in their own words.
There is also a section on the wildlife which inhabits farmland in East Devon.
(Windows Media Player is required.) |
After a short pause, the video file will be ready to
start playing. Later parts of the video continue to be downloaded automatically.
Other videos from Quartz Productions |
Self Propelled Forage
A high output self propelled
forage harvester makes light work of a heavy grass crop. The grass has been cut with a
mower, spread to wilt before being gathered into rewes (lines). The harvester then picks
up, chops and loads the grass into a trailer pulled alongside. Output approximately 5
tonnes/minute. 503Hp engine. Cost £137,000 + VAT (2005) Movie here.
2.4Mb broadband recommended. (Windows
Media Player is required.) |
Fertiliser Spreading
Granular fertiliser being spread on grassland (8secs)

Low quality but quick!
Click on this link.
Windows Media Player will open.
The video will play after a short pause. |
Much better quality! 1.2Mb
Broadband users click here.
All other users click this link with your right mouse button.
Select 'Save target as' and save to your computer.
Use Windows Media Player to open the file 'fertlisr.wmv' |
Clips courtesy of Quartz
© Offwell Woodland & Wildlife Trust 1998/9 & 2000/1/2