Modern intensive agricultural grasslands are highly productive
British intensive agricultural grasslands
are areas which are efficiently farmed solely for the production of high yields of grass.
This near monoculture significantly affects the biodiversity of the area. Apart from
selected grasses, few other plants can survive. This is because the crop is so dense and also because of the repeated cutting and
grazing which occurs throughout the grass growing season.
Some wildlife, such as deer and rabbits, benefit from
these areas. Intensive grasslands also support invertebrates such as slugs and worms.
These are eaten by a variety of animals including badgers,foxes, slowworms and
Intensive grasslands are grazed by dairy
cows, beef cattle and sheep. They produce the animal products we eat or use. Dairy
cows produce milk for human consumption. In addition to this, products such as cheese and
butter are made from milk. Beef cattle provide meat and by-products such as leather. Sheep
which graze the grasslands, especially in winter, provide us with meat and wool.
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